The Hope of Spring

We visited Taiwan’s cherry blossom last February 2019, my birthday trip. The island country is a haven for natural beauty when cherry blossoms are in bloom, typically from January to March or even as late as April. But why should you pick Taiwan?
Taiwan extended its visa-free entry status for Filipinos for another year, last August 1, 2019, to July 31, 2020. And now 2021, traveling is restricted due to pandemic. I don’t know how things are looking in your corner of the world, but in other Countries, Spring has officially arrived. Flowers are blooming.

What does Spring mean to you? Does Spring fill you with a sense of hope and positivity?

For me, Spring is the season of hope that things will get better after they were worse. The season where we can quickly feel the warmth of the sun on our skin and the hope of new growth. No matter what season you’re in, remember that you’re right where you need to be.
A season with all its promise breaks into the forefront of my imagination and makes me want to express what I feel in any way that is possible. I am gathering my thoughts. After going through some difficulties this year, I am – above all – grateful for the chance to begin again. Life feels new and complete, and I am stronger for having bent in the wind, like the grass. Spring is a living proof reminder that, however dark and dreary, your season of life. There will be bright and beautiful days ahead.

There Is So Much to Look Forward To

One of the definitions of hope is “to expect with confidence.” Things may be difficult now, but that gives us so much to look forward to. We can’t control many things, but something we can control is what we choose to focus on! Be confident that there are good things to come because there are.
This Spring may not feel very spring-like, but we can feel lots of hope in the hard times, enjoy the benefits of sunlight, and look forward to good things to come.

Stay healthy and live happy this spring season! 🙂

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